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Raiders are enemies in Super Cat Tales 2, first appearing in World 2-6. They are responsible for stealing Laal's chili peppers.

Physical appearance[edit]

Raiders wear a white skull mask with a pair of short, pointy horns. They have a pair of black eyes shaped like semicircles with the flat side facing down and a pair of small nostrils. A small part of their body is visible underneath their mask and is colored a dark gray, and they have a pair of rounded, yellow feet.


Raiders can be found walking on the ground or on platforms above the ground. They will pace back and forth and pause at the end of platforms before turning and walking the opposite direction. If the player approaches one, the raider will throw a bone and continue their walking pattern. The bone will bounce on the ground two times before disappearing and can damage the player on contact.


Raiders can be defeated without taking damage by running into them with McMeow, Olli or Robo Kitty. The player can also equip the shield item from the shop to protect cats when hit from the frontside.

Appearances by level[edit]