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Vegetables navigation
Speed vegetable Double quake vegetable Giant quake vegetable Freezing vegetable Invincibility vegetable

Vegetables are interactive objects in Dino Quake. Five different types of vegetables appear.

Speed vegetable[edit]


Speed vegetables have a green leafy stalk that is a attached to a red radish shaped body. On the radish body is a picture of yellow dinosaur that appears to be running. That picture continually flashes.

Game information[edit]

These are always found in the ground and must be lifted out by a earth quake. Once a speed vegetable is touched the dinosaur's movements will be sped up. This is very helpful if the player is trying to destroy a egg nest.

Double quake vegetable[edit]


Double quake vegetables have a red body that is shaped like a radish. On the red body is a flashing picture of two yellow hills with one on the opposite side and below the other. On top of the red radish body is a green leafy stalk.

Game information[edit]

Once this vegetable is pulled out of the ground, touching it will give the dinosaurs power to make two earth quakes. When the dinosaur goes to make a earthquake that goes left, another earthquake will come from the right. This pickup can be quite useful if the player is battling many enemies on a single platform.

Giant quake vegetable[edit]


Giant quake vegetables have a flashing picture of a giant yellow hill on their red bodies. The red body is shaped like a radish and has a green leafy stalk on top of it.

Game information[edit]

Once this vegetable is pulled out of the ground, touching it will give the dinosaurs the power to make a giant earthquake. This giant earthquake will go farther then a usual earthquake and it will hit enemies that are trying to jump to a different platform.

Freezing vegetable[edit]


Freezing vegetables have a green leafy stalk attached to a red radish shaped body. Their is a flashing picture on the red radish body that depicts a bright yellow hour glass.

Game information[edit]

Once this vegetable is pulled out of the ground and touched, all enemies and egg nests will be frozen. The dinosaurs can go and earthquake any enemy and they will be killed. After a certain time has passed, all objects that were frozen will thaw out. This pickup can be quite useful when the player is trying to destroy egg nest or other enemies.

Invincibility vegetable[edit]


Invincibility vegetables have a flashing picture of a bright yellow shield on their red radish bodies. That red radish body has a green leafy stalk on top of it.

Game information[edit]

Once this vegetable is pulled out of the ground and touched, the dinosaur cannot be hurt by anything for a certain period of time. During that time the dinosaur will start to flash enemies can be walked through and destroyed. This pickup is useful when fighting dangerous enemies. After a certain amount of time has passed the pickup's affect will fade away.