Strike ships

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Dark green strike ships Light green strike ships Light grey strike ships

Strike ships are enemies found in the game Ray Quest. Three types of strike ships are found in Ray Quest which are listed below.

Dark green strike ships[edit]


Dark green strike ships have a dark blue oval placed in the middle of them and slightly at the front. At the front of the ship, a short distance away from the oval, are two dark green objects that are pushed up and slightly placed apart from each other.

At the back of the ship are two triangles that are light green and raised up. At the side of those triangles is a slightly rectangular object that is dark green. The rectangular objects are attached to the rest of the ship that is a hexagon that is a lighter and dark shade of green.

Game information[edit]

Dark green strike ships are first found on level 4. Dark green strike ships will move from one side of the screen to the other and keep doing that till they are killed. While moving, dark green strike ships shoot blue bullets in front of them that will go a short distance then stop. Once the dark green strike ships health is depleted, it will explode and grant 500 points.

Light green strike ships[edit]


Light green strike ships have two light grey pincer like objects placed at the front of them. In between the pincer like objects is a oval that is various shades of red and black. The back of the ship has two light green triangles on either side.

At the front and slightly at the back are two black ovals with yellow on them that have two smaller version in between them that are pushed back. Next to the small black oval is a small black rectangle. The rest of the ship is shaped like a triangle with a round top that is also light green.

Game information[edit]

Light green strike ships first appear on level 14. Light green strike ships will come out onto the screen and may be stationary or moving horizontally to the bottom of the screen. Light green strike ships will shoot three light blue bullets horizontally(if they were moving that way) or vertically (if stationary). Once the health bar of the light green strike ship has been depleted, the ship will explode and grant 800 points.

Light grey strike ships[edit]


Light grey strike ships have a light blue triangle placed at the front of them that has a short line of black placed on one of its sides. Extending from the rest of the triangle it two rectangles that are placed at the back left and right side of the triangle and are light blue and also have their inner side chopped of making them have pointed ends.

The rest of the ship the triangle is on grey with a light grey raised object placed at the back and some black placed at the far back.A thin light blue disc is placed at the far left and right side of the ship that has a triangle placed between them and the ship. The triangle placed between the ship and the disc is light grey with patches of dark grey.

Game information[edit]

Light grey strike ships first appear on level 21. Light grey strike ships will move from one side of the screen to the other and shoot orange bullets in front of them. Light grey strike ships are the most powerful strike ship out of the three found in the game. Once the health bar of the light grey strike ship has been depleted, the ship will blow up and grant 700 points.