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Bell-poles are interactive objects in the game Snow Tale. Below the types of bell-poles are listed

Checkered bell-poles[edit]


Checkered bell-poles have a yellow bell attached to a grey pole. That pole attaches to a black and white checked base.

Game information[edit]

Checkered bell-poles always appear at the end of every level. Once they are touched by the Penguin they will chime and the player can move on to the next level.



Bell-poles have a yellow bell attached to a grey pole. That pole attaches to a green or red base.

Game information[edit]

Bell-poles appear in all levels. Green bell-poles always appear at the start of levels while the first red bell-pole appears in level 2. Bell-poles will change colour from red to green when they are touched and they will also start to chime. If the Penguin dies, he will respawn at the last bell-pole he touched (or at the start of the level if he hasn't touched any bell-poles that were red).